Connecting Companies & Talents

Staff Recruitment


Based on our many years of experience and our network, we place candidates in the following industries:
cleantech, geology, geotechnics, geophysics, energy, IT, and automotive.  


We know our candidates personally and introduce you to carefully selected candidates for your open positions. Our customers are able to act quickly again due to short vacancy times.

Read more about Recuitment. 

Basierend auf unserer langjährigen Erfahrung und unserem Netzwerk vermitteln wir Kandidaten in folgenden Branchen: Cleantech, Geologie, Geotechnik, Geophysik, Energie, IT, und Automotive an.  


Wir kennen unsere Kandidaten persönlich und stellen Ihnen für Ihre offenen Positionen sorgfältig, ausgewählte Kandidaten vor. Unsere Kunden sind aufgrund kurzer Vakanzzeiten wieder schnell handlungsfähig. 


Engineering Projects

Plastic Recycling Projects

Currently we are focusing our activities on plastic recycling projects for the African and Asian regions. 

Contact us if you are interested to hear more about our project. 


We are focusing our research and develepment of components that increase the efficiency on hydrogen infrastructure, networks and filling stations.